Curriculum progressions
Click the links below to view our curriculum progressions:
Design and technology progression
Religious education (RE) is important for a number of reasons, including:
- Understanding the world
RE helps students understand the role of religion and belief in the modern world, and how to interpret religious issues.
- Developing values
RE helps students develop beliefs and values, and promotes respect and empathy.
- Challenging stereotypes
RE can help students challenge stereotypes and avoid extremism and religious discrimination.
- Promoting cohesion
RE can help students build a more cohesive community by encouraging them to value themselves and the communities they live in.
- Personal development
RE can help students develop a stronger sense of wellbeing, ethical standards, and personal happiness.
- Intellectual challenge
RE can be intellectually challenging and personally enriching.
- Exploring views
RE allows students to explore the world's major religions and views, and consider the challenges posed by these beliefs and values.
We follow the Derbyshire and Derby City agreed syllabus for religious education which can be found by clicking on the link below:
Derbyshire agreed syllabus for religious education
Parental right to withdraw their child from RE:
In England and Wales Parents have the statutory right under Section 71 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 to withdraw their children from RE lessons and acts of Collective Worship in schools.
Religious education is an integral part of our curriculum offer. If, however, after reading our information, and looking at the SACRE syllabus, you still wish to exercise your right of withdrawal please discuss your concerns with Mrs Thorpe or Mrs Rock in the first instance.
For more information about our PSHE and RSE provision, please visit our dedicated pages.